CHAD Conference
CHAD Conference

Welcome to "Reviving Healthcare: Reimagining Healthcare Innovations and Solutions for a Healthier Future" being held on May 7-9, 2024, at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston, Jamaica, under the Patronage of Dr. The Honorable Rufus Ewing, Executive Chairman of Hamilton Education Foundation, and Hamilton University school of Medicine, Former PAHO Country Program Advisor (Caribbean) and former Minister of Health and Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Dr. The Hon. Rufus W Ewing.

An experienced innovative transformational leader and healthcare professional who has a passion for and demonstrated ability to improve the lives and well-being of people through the development and implementation of health care policies and programs in a collaborative and culturally appropriate manner. An excellent general surgeon and public health practitioner who is known for sound leadership during organizational or public health crisis through teamwork and a vision lead command and control approach. An individual who is a strong advocate and champion of universal health and improving health systems to increase the health, productivity and wealth of individuals, organizations and countries.

This Global Health Conference presented by Parish Ground Global Ministries Inc, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to education, child protection, and charity, and is hosted by College of Health and Allied Development in celebration of 10 years of preparing health care professionals. The conference, "Reviving Healthcare: Reimagining Healthcare Innovations and Solutions, for a Healthier Future"  will be held in beautiful Jamaica at the Jamaica Conference Center, located on the historic Kingston Harbor (Kingston Waterfront). 

This conference provides the platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and solutions among experts in the field; networking and collaboration with practitioners, researchers, financiers, and students from around the world, while providing support to nursing education through scholarships for nursing students, and contributing to the Golden Age Home in Jamaica.

What to expect at the conference

This conference is a perfect mix of life-changing information and activities designed to bring relief and rejuvenation.

This conference brings innovative solutions, high level discussions, and meaningful engagements through:

  • General sessions
  • Break-out-sessions
  • Panel Discussion

There are social events including Jamaica night on May 7, 2024; Tours to some of Jamaica's gems located in Kingston, and a culminating with a gala on May 9, 2024., 

***Foreign language interpretation available***

We invite you to select your conference registration, and join us at the gala. 

If you would like to become a sponsor, find out more at the Sponsorship page.

To see the program outline, please see the program page.

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