CHAD Conference
CHAD Conference

Conference Program

Day 1 - Mental Health: Innovations in treating mental Health Conditions

Rise and Shine

Arise and shine with workout on the waterfront. 

Morning Session

Welcome to Jamaica by Jamaican delegates, and opening of the conference by Conference patron and committee. Then.... let the conference begin!!!!

Evening Session

There will be general session and concurrent sessions.


Enjoy the Jamaican culture, craft, food, and music

Day 2 - Workforce: Rise to meet Healthcare Workforce needs

Rise and Shine

Get your day up to an energizing start with workout on the waterfront 

Morning Session

Conference begins with greetings from key leaders. Then, the morning presentations. 


Enjoy the gem of your choice. Choose from the tours of Jamaican historical sites and learn its rich history. 

Evening Session

There will be general session and concurrent sessions.

Day 3 - Innovation: The role of innovation in healthcare

Rise and Shine

Final day.... Lets finish strong with a heart-pumping workout on the waterfront

Morning session

Conference begins with greetings from key leaders. Then, the morning presentations.

Evening Session

There will be concurrent session and panel discussion and charge to all attendees.


Don't just leave, let us contribute to the future in style. Join the fund-raising gala to support healthcare education.

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